Is Medication Abortion Right for Women?

July 16, 2024 10:23 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Medication abortion, or medical abortion, is the safest and most effective method to end an early pregnancy with the help of abortion pills. Ever since the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved the use of the abortion pill mifepristone for abortion, there’s been an increase in abortion access, which has improved decision-making for women’s reproductive rights.

In 2023, medication abortions accounted for 63% of all abortions in the United States. The FDA-approved medication abortion procedure is available in many states across the US; however, administering these tablets to terminate a pregnancy is currently restricted in certain states.

Understanding Medication Abortion

Medication abortion is the process of ending an early pregnancy, a method proven to be effective for pregnancy termination with the help of abortion pills. The most common abortion pills used to terminate a pregnancy are mifepristone and misoprostol. 

Most women prefer having a medication abortion instead of the traditional surgical abortion method because of how easy and convenient it is, without compromising women’s health.

Two medications must be taken, one after the other. First, mifepristone, which stops the pregnancy, and second, misoprostol, which causes uterine contractions and ends the pregnancy. These two abortion pills successfully end the pregnancy without any major complications. 

Benefits of Medication Abortion

It is proven that medical abortion is an effective method to end an unwanted pregnancy. A medical abortion is a nonsurgical method for ending a pregnancy in the first trimester. If you have passed the first trimester, your provider may discuss procedure alternatives. Following are the benefits of medication abortion. 

  • Pregnancy can be terminated early (either by discovering you are pregnant or by learning of an early miscarriage).
  • It could feel more natural to pass a pregnancy rather than undergo surgery.
  • For the cramps and bleeding, you can be at home or any other place that seems secure and comfortable.
  • You may include your preferred support system with you.
  • Medication abortion is more cost-effective than surgical abortion.
  • No longer waiting periods or unnecessary tests to confirm the pregnancy and begin with the abortion procedure.

Is medication abortion the right choice for women?

Many people are unaware of what medication abortion is, but they are quite familiar with the traditional surgical abortion method. This unawareness can keep women from getting the best medical care. 

And to talk about whether medication abortion is the right choice for women, then it’s a very personal choice. If a woman feels medication abortion is the right choice for her, then it is completely her decision, and no interruptions are needed. Women have every right to be the sole decision-makers about their reproductive rights.

A woman knows her body the best, and she would choose the best for herself and her reproductive health. Evidence suggests that the combination of mifepristone and misoprostol can be safely and effectively used for medical abortions beyond the 10-week mark, despite the FDA’s approval for it being limited to the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Online Medication Abortion Service Provider 

If you are in the early stages of pregnancy and have decided to get a medication abortion, you can choose any of the online abortion service providers who provide accurate medical care.

Before everything, you must visit your healthcare provider to confirm your pregnancy and make an informed decision. To protect your privacy, you can ask your physician to recommend a safe and reliable online abortion service provider.

Onlineabortionpillrx is one of the most reliable online medication abortion service providers that offers effective abortion pills, fast & overnight shipping, and doorstep delivery.

The Medication Abortion Process 

The medication abortion process involves the administration of two abortion pills, mifepristone and misoprostol. You can take an abortion from the comfort of your home, as medical abortion is a non-invasive and non-intrusive process. To begin the medication abortion process, you need to: 

  1. Take one mifepristone tablet (200 mg) first, which should be taken orally on an empty stomach or with a meal. It blocks the female hormone progesterone, required to sustain the pregnancy, and helps to stop the development of the fetus. In short, it prevents the pregnancy from progressing further. 
  2. After 24 to 48 hours, you need to take four misoprostol tablets (200 mcg each), a synthetic prostaglandin medication that can be taken orally, buccally (keep two tablets in each of your cheek pockets and let them dissolve), sublingually (keep the tablets under your tongue and let them dissolve), or vaginally (insert the tablet into your vagina towards the cervix).
  3. Misoprostol will cause contractions in your uterus, resulting in cramps. This will help the uterus expel the pregnancy tissues through the vagina, which leads to heavy bleeding and clots. 
  4. Once the tablets start the process, you may experience some common side effects like cramps, heavy bleeding, fever, or chills, and some people may also feel nauseated and dizzy or have diarrhea.

After taking the second pill, a medical abortion usually takes two to six hours, though sometimes it takes longer. At present, plan to take some rest. Having someone you trust nearby for support and care could be a good idea.

To confirm that the pregnancy has ended, you must also plan for a follow-up appointment or a telephone call with your healthcare professional.

Tags: Abortion access, medication abortion, Mifepristone and Misoprostol, Reproductive rights, Women's Health

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This post was written by Marcella

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