Categories for Women Health

How Are Menstrual Cycles Post Abortion Like? When to Worry?

August 19, 2017 4:49 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It is normal to worry about when you will have your next menstrual cycles post abortion. The healing time is very individual and depends upon your body and how you take care of yourself during this time. It is also up to how far along you were when you had the process completed. It could be weeks, or up to a couple of months. The vital thing is to understand the difference between after abortion bleeding and your first menstrual cycle returning after having an abortion. Keep in mind that ovulation normally takes place somewhere around 14 days prior to your menstrual period and if you had a pregnancy termination, it will be difficult to gauge when this will occur. You can get pregnancy again in the weeks after an abortion if you have unprotected intercourse. Getting first menstrual period after abortion:       1. Bleeding after abortion After you buy abortion pills to have a pregnancy termination, you may have bleeding anywhere from 2 weeks and up to 6 weeks. Revival bleeding is normally heavy the first few days and will diminish. If you were farther along, you may undergo menstruation like bleeding for two weeks. Then it... View Article

5 Tips to Maintain a Healthy First Trimester Pregnancy

August 4, 2017 5:19 am Published by Leave your thoughts

A normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks and is bifurcated into trimesters. The first trimester is considered the first 13 weeks of your gestation.  During this time, your body is adapting to the new life inside of it, and it is necessary to take all the essential precautions to make sure you and your baby are as healthy as possible. Find a good health care provider: If you don’t already have an OB/GYN physician or midwife, whom you feel relaxed with, begin doing some research or ask friends and family for referrals. Good parental care is tremendously vital throughout your pregnancy, and you want to choose a physician or a midwife that you feel comfortable with. Schedule a prenatal appointment: It is vital to schedule an appointment soon after you discover you are pregnant. Researches show that females who do not obtain good prenatal care are at a higher risk for having low birth-weight babies and babies with poor health than females who often see a doctor during pregnancy. Starting healthy habits for pregnancy: Stop habits that are harmful for the fetus. The most important step for a healthy first trimester, and a healthy pregnancy in common, is altering lifestyle... View Article