
How planc supports telehealth and online pharmacies

June 5, 2024 11:24 am Published by Leave your thoughts

How is Plan C Beneficial to Telehealth and Online Services During the Covid-19 pandemic many health care providers chose the route of telehealth. To overcome the obstacle of providing medical abortion care to women seeking abortion during this difficult time, access to telehealth abortion and buying pills from the online pharmacies made it easier for women to get the proper medical care. Access to medical abortion with pills has made it easy for women to practice safe abortion with appropriate medical care. With the emergence of telehealth and online abortion pill services, and how Plan C has promoted these, and made self-managed abortion at home common in the USA.  It has significantly helped enlighten people about medical abortion by providing accurate and helpful information about abortion, which can help women in choosing the best and safe abortion care practice.  Role of Plan C in helping Telehealth and Online Abortion Pills Service Plan C is a widely known non-profit organization that works in advocating people about medical abortion and helping them in accessing abortion in the USA by normalizing the use of abortion pills by mail.  Plan C conducts research globally on how people are accessing abortion pills in the USA,... View Article